Air squared

Pollaio da giardino

Location Rome, Italy

Year 2013

Description This little garden hen house is a reference to the great aviaries, to transparency and protection. An undulated net is fixed to form a 2x2x2 cube. Its color, close to white, lets the ethereal surface produce shadows, giving the impression of opening and closure according to the light. In the interior, a tree-like shape follows the abstract geometry of the casing offering the animals the support to rest. The plants of the garden enter the cage, augmenting the spatial continuity between inside and outside and therefore diminishing the sensation of reclusion. (The hens are let out during the day and come back in, on their own, at night). 

Program Chicken coop

Type Self commission

Assignment Preliminary design, detail design, build direction

Size 4 sqm

Designer Niccolò Cau

Status Completed